Friday, October 1, 2010

A Happy Client

Dear April,
It was very nice meeting you and Wendy yesterday and thank you for the room tour. My group was impressed with the calibre of the hotel and with the delicious lunch we had in the dining room. I believe you'll be hearing from most of them in the future. Helen Sargent, who is our "event planner", is in the travel business and handles tours regularly. Seeing the Luxe was a discovery for her, particularly knowing the rate that you have given us. I assume she left you her card but let me know if you would like further information.
Thank you for arranging our daily parking rate during the tour. That is a very nice help for the LA committee members who will be meeting the bus each day at the Luxe. We're also very pleased with your contribution to our Welcome Bags of the cookies, Physique 57 class coupons and the Saks Discount cards. These are nice treats for our attendees.
Thanks again for your efforts on behalf of our Finch College Visit.
warm regards, Alba