Delta Airlines has been developing a strong relationship with the Australian corporate communitythrough their brand new 777 aircrafts which now fly daily to and from LAX with a business / economy class configuration. This weekend, Delta, Luxe Sunset Blvd Hotel and Luxe Rodeo Drive Hotel joined forces to host a group of travel managers from the land down under. In only four days they got a very good overview of what Los Angeles has to offer from Santa Monica beaches, Hollywood night life, Dodger Game, Beverly Hills to Bel Air. Seen here at Il Fornaio Restaurant with sponsors, Stephanie Nakasone from the BHCVB and Karen from LA Inc. Luxe gives a special thanks to Jane Wilshaw, corporate sales for Delta, who brought with her Kim, Astrid, Fiona, Robert, Marco and Trish! We bet you'll be ready for a good sleep on the way back.