"High and Dry, Smoke and Fog" is inspired by cars … the joy, the freedom, the mechanics, the dependence, the status symbol, the technology, the social responsibility, the sex appeal, the pollution, the speed, the danger, the commute, the traffic, the exhilarating road trip, the urban sprawl and the transportation conundrum. The artwork in this exhibition addresses the paradox of these topics, particularly in Los Angeles – the American metropolis supreme – whose complicated relationship with cars, traffic and transportation was entirely shaped by the automobile. Currently, Los Angeles County is in the top ten dirtiest counties in the U.S. for air pollution.
Artwork by Ed Ruscha, Robert Rauschenberg, Salvatore Scarpitta on loan from Private Collections.
Deborah Fisher courtesy of Dangerous Curve
Cheryl Kelley courtesy of Art Murmur Gallery
Blue McRight courtesy of Patrica Faure Gallery
[photo] from www.phantomgalleries.la.com/